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2 pages tagged with "reasonml"

Ray Tracing in the Browser using ReasonML

November 23, 2018 - 150 words - 1 mins
I was reading Peter Shirley's little book Ray Tracing in One Weekend which provides code in C and for fun wanted to try to implement it in Reason. Source code is available here. Above is a pregenerated image, but you can click the button below to generate a smaller lower quality picture on demand (… read more

Drawing Tilemaps on an HTML Canvas with ReasonML

June 17, 2018 - 390 words - 2 mins
I was curious about using Reason to draw 2D tilemaps in the browser using a Canvas element. If you need an overview of tiles, tilemaps, etc. there is a great introduction over at We will end up drawing this level of what could be a roguelike game, with an adventurer, monster… read more