5 pages tagged with "elixir"
Exploring Geospatial data in Elixir with Phoenix, D3, and PostGIS
January 28, 2016 - 1097 words - 6 mins
I noticed that Kaggle has started hosting some publicly available datasets. One of which is Ocean Ship Logbooks (1750-1850). I thought it would be interesting to visualize Captain Cook's travels on the HMS Endeavour using the Phoenix Web Framework, the D3 JavaScript library, and PostGIS.
Source code…
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Getting started with OpenGL in Elixir
January 03, 2016 - 295 words - 2 mins
I was curious about using OpenGL with Elixir and couldn't find much very information. Other than a kludge for working with constants defined in Erlang .hrl files it turned out to be not too difficult.
The final result draws a triangle on the screen and looks like this:
wxWidgets and Erlang
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Erlang clustering on the Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone with Elixir
December 11, 2015 - 452 words - 3 mins
I have been looking at Elixir/Erlang clustering with credit card sized computers and using the Phoenix web framework to communicate from the cluster to an Android tablet in realtime.
I am pleasantly surprised at how easy it has been and how little code I had to write for this demo.
In the above vid…
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Elixir on the Raspberry Pi - Blinking an LED
December 10, 2015 - 687 words - 4 mins
In this post we will see how to run the "Hello, World" of embedded devices, blinking an LED on a breadboard. We will be using the Elixir programming language and a Raspberry Pi.
I have also written up similar instructions for the BeagleBone Black.
The final result will look like this:
Elixir progra…
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Elixir on the BeagleBone Black - Blinking an LED
December 09, 2015 - 690 words - 4 mins
In this post we will see how to run the "Hello, World" of embedded devices, blinking an LED on a breadboard. We will be using the Elixir programming language and a BeagleBone Black.
I have also written up similar instructions for the Raspberry Pi.
The final result will look like this:
Elixir progra…
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